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Somatic Experience 

Fern leaf

Somatic Experiencing TM (SE) was developed by Peter Levine, Ph.D. to help people heal and thrive.  It is a gentle, and effective approach to healing trauma. SE uses the “felt sense” (learning to feel body sensations) to explore where energy may be constricted, and even “stuck”  in the body. This can be acute trauma, (i.e. car accident), chronic trauma (i.e. body pain), developmental trauma (i.e. childhood challenges), or intergenerational trauma ( i.e. trauma carried through your ancestral lineage).  Trauma here is defined as an emotional state where the nervous system is too overwhelmed to complete a healthy flight, flight or freeze cycle.  Instead of the energy dispersing from the body, it gets stored in the body, and can affect the brain, organs, and emotions.  This constricted energy in the body shapes the way one experiences themselves, and the world.  Over time, this can cause chronic pain, anxiety, depression, challenges in relationships, digestion, hormonal, or immune system weaknesses, and more.  The body is very wise, and when we slow down, listen and feel, a lot can happen.  With this awareness of the body,  the “stuck” energy can begin to release in gentle ways.  


In an SE session with Luna, we will use curiosity, authenticity, and presence to help build safety and trust.  This will to guide you to your “felt sense”.  Luna meets you in your unique life journey, and uses active listening, imagery, inquiry, sound, and more to work with you to release through the body, which opens up the mind and the heart. With the resolution of trauma, many experience new vitality, less body pain, mental clarity, confidence, healthy sleep cycles, and more resilience to navigate the challenges of life with ease and  joy.



Juniper Plant

Yoga means union. Yoga is ultimately a method of inquiry into the nature of the body, the mind, the heart, and the universe. Through yoga practices, we move "stuck" energy (prana) in the body in methodical ways to create more health and wellness.  These yoga practices include asana (yoga poses), breath (pranayama), self-reflection practices (svadyaya), and/or meditation, to help identify and shift energy in the body and mind.   


Luna’s approach to teaching yoga is gentle, and tailored to the unique individual/s she’s working with.  This leads to less body pain, more energy, better sleep, and more clarity of mind.  Yoga can be taught to any person.  


Luna has been teaching yoga since 2005, and training yoga teachers in both 200 and 500-hour training’s since 2010.  She specializes in Teacher Training modules and workshops on Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion, and Somatic Yoga, The Yoga of Body Awareness.  For information on her module offerings and yoga workshops, click here. Luna teaches privates in person and over zoom.


Image by Jackie DiLorenzo

Music is the language of the soul. Music heals, music connects, and music has been an integral part of Luna's life for the past 25 years. Luna offers one on one music mentorships, workshops, concerts, kirtans, and events. For more information Contact Luna.


For More Information on Luna's music visit:

Listen to Luna's music on Spotify
Support Luna's Music by purchasing on CD Baby, Amazon, and Itunes 

Womens Work


This is a circle of presence, trust, and support to empower women, to uplift our spirits, and to feel the ancient ways of harmony.  We gather consistently to read prayers from all traditions, hold each other in all cycles of life, and offer prayers to the world.  This is a simple, accessible and underground way, to rebuild the paradigm of our world.  When Women Come to Pray is non-denominational, and anyone that identifies as a woman or girl is welcome.

© 2020 Kristin Luna Ray LLC

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